All the mortgage calculators and tools you need!

Get a head start with our mortgage calculators and tools

Explore our comprehensive suite of calculators to gain insights into your mortgage options. Go ahead, use the mortgage tool you need, input the numbers, and get an idea of what's possible. However, don’t be alarmed if things aren't working out as you’d like.

We may have a solution for you, or you might have questions that require further clarification tailored to your unique situation. I invite you to reach out to me directly to discuss your specific needs and circumstances. Whether you're looking to verify your eligibility, understand your financial standing better, or get personalized advice on the best mortgage solutions, I'm here to help. Contact me today to ensure that you have all the information you need to make confident and informed decisions about your mortgage journey.

Get pre-approved for your mortgage with Chantelle

Calculations are great, but do you really qualify?

There is more than calculations to the mortgage qualification equation

Mortgage qualifications are determined by several key factors, including your credit score, income level, employment stability, and debt-to-income ratio. Lenders assess your credit score to gauge your financial reliability and past borrowing behavior, while your income level and employment stability are evaluated to ensure you can handle monthly mortgage payments. The debt-to-income ratio, which compares your monthly debt payments to your gross monthly income, helps lenders determine your ability to manage additional debt responsibly. Additionally, your down payment amount and the type of mortgage you’re applying for can influence your qualifications. Together, these elements provide a comprehensive picture of your financial health and borrowing capacity