Take Advantage of MyRate Insurance Promise!
Mortgage with monitoring
What is Rate Insurance?
The Rate Insurance is an exclusive service that is offered for the term of your mortgage. We not only work hard to secure the best rate with the best lender, we also keep an eye on rates, programs and your situation to see if there are opportunities to continuously save you money and help you achieve your financial goals.
How much does it cost?
The service is free to all our existing and new clients, there is no commitment and contract to sign to benefit from the Rate Insurance service.
How does it work?
Simply put, we have a system that monitors your current rate and term versus the latest better rates. If there are opportunities to do an early renewal or refinance any other option that would save you money on the long run we we will present it to you.
My circumstances changed
Circumstances change all the time, we have seen it all. As we get to have a better understanding of our client’s new situation, we look at short and long term financial goals and provide insight and offer the best solution possinble.
Secure your financial future with the exclusive Rate Insurance service!
I continually monitor mortgage rates and proactively seek opportunities to save you money. Contact me today for personalized consultation.